August 13, 2020

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How to Choose the Right Dog Food


Every dog owner/parent knows that the wrong kind of food can have adverse effects on their furry friends’ health. That is why most people take extra care when trying to find the right dog food. Ensuring a balanced diet that contains a mix of essential nutrients can help your pup stay active, healthy, and safe from diseases. In this article, we shall list some of the factors to keep in mind when choosing a dog food brand for your pup and how you can find the right fit for your doggo.

Dietary Requirements

You can’t choose the right dog food without understanding what your pupper needs in terms of diet. As mammals, dogs have some of the same dietary requirements as humans, although there are some apparent differences. The most significant components of a dog’s diet comprise of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These three macronutrients are essential for the growth, health, and immunity of your pupper. These ingredients can be found in various food items, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and meat.

Another essential component of a dog’s diet is fiber. We can not stress enough how important fiber is to for a balanced diet, especially if your floofy woof has an eating problem.

Fiber helps your pup digest the food they eat while reducing their requirement for the quantity of food they need. This helps them stay fit and active while giving them the required nutrients and vitamins they need.

Nutritional Content

Keeping the points mentioned above in mind, the first thing you will need to assess when selecting a dog food is to review the nutritional components of the brand. Remember to choose a brand that provides a balanced blend of fruits, vegetables, and meat so that your pup can get the vitamins, minerals, and major nutrients they need. Also, keep an eye on the fiber content of the brand and make sure that at least 10% of each serving is fiber-based and around 27% protein-based on average.


Read the dog food label to find out the number of calories the dog food contains per cup. On average, you should maintain a low-calorie diet for your dog and opt for a brand that contains around 350 calories per cup. If your chosen brand contains more calories per cup, you must serve smaller portions to your pup to ensure that it can remain healthy without developing digestion problems.

Genetic Differences

Based on genetic differences, some dogs require a different diet due to their breeding. As some pups are bred for different climates, their preference of certain components in the dog food may also vary. A general rule of thumb to observe is maintaining a diet consisting of 20 calories for every pound that your dog weighs per serving. For example, if you have a ten-pound dog, it is advised to feed them around 200 calories per serving and adjust their feed as they grow.

Smaller dogs require fewer quantities than larger breeds, but more active breeds also require more significant amounts of food. So, if you have a small dog, but they are bred for a more active lifestyle, you will need to consider their specific requirements before deciding on the dog food.

Special Requirements

Some dogs may also face health issues that are generally related to their breed. For example, some Labradors are susceptible to obesity and diabetes and may develop the disease if their diet is not specifically maintained. To address this issue, you will need to consult your vet to decide on a feeding schedule and the number of calories your dog requires for healthy growth and immunity.


Picking the right dog food can be challenging if you are unaware of your pet’s specific breed requirements. Using the general guidelines provided above, you can get an idea of what a good meal consists of for your dog. Remember, we always advise about getting the best possible dog food for your pet. However, it is not wise to merely go for a premium product without understanding the components of the specific brand. The best way to find the right dog food for your pup is to consider their particular requirements and find the best quality dog food that offers a blend of high-quality components for a balanced diet.

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